Meeting documents

SSDC Area North Committee
Wednesday, 22nd July, 2015 2.00 pm

  • Meeting of Area North Committee, Wednesday 22nd July 2015 2.00 pm (Item 39.)


Proposal: The erection of a four bedroom dwelling and change of use of agricultural land to residential curtilage.


The Planning officer presented the application as detailed in the agenda and noted the proposal was for a low energy, contemporary designed dwelling. He explained the landscape character of the site location in more detail.


Mrs J Morling, applicant, commented that they wished to build a new dwelling for the family which included a disabled parent. The proposal would use well established principles for low energy living, the design had been widely commended, and the local response to the proposal had been very positive. She noted there was nothing to stop the paddock being used for more intensive agriculture, but they wished to turn it into a wildflower meadow.


Ward member, Councillor Sue Steele, noted that the report indicated the design was acceptable. The village had a shop, church, hall and pub. She felt the proposal would enhance the area and should be supported.


During discussion comments raised by members included:

·         Don’t feel the design is appropriate in this setting

·         Will be almost self-sufficient and should be supported

·         Don’t think the proposal meets all the requirements of Policy SS2

·         Need good quality eco-builds

·         No local need


A query was raised about policy regarding eco-dwellings. The Development Manager explained in more detail that there was a slight overlap in policy, in that eco-dwellings were mentioned within the National Planning Policy Framework, but not within the SSDC Local Plan.


It was initially proposed to approve the application, as it was of acceptable design and on the edge of the settlement, contrary to the officer recommendation, however this was not carried (4 in favour, 7 against, 2 abstentions).


It was then proposed to refused the application, as per the officer recommendation, and on being put to the vote was carried 6 in favour, 5 against with 2 abstentions.



That planning application 15/01486/FUL be REFUSED, as per the officer recommendation, for the following reasons:


01.   The proposed development, comprising the erection of a new dwelling, is located at the edge of a "Rural Settlement", where development will be strictly controlled and limited to that which provides employment opportunities, enhances community facilities and services to serve the development, or meets an identified housing need, particularly for affordable housing. The proposal fails to satisfy any of the aforementioned criteria and as such constitutes unsustainable development that is contrary to policies SD1, SS1 and SS2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) and to the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.


02.   The proposed development, as a result of its siting and built footprint, which intrudes into open countryside beyond the village edge, is at variance with the local pattern of development and thereby fails to preserve or enhance local character. As such, it has an unacceptable impact on the character, appearance and the rural context of the locality. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-28) and provisions of chapters 7, 11 and the core planning principles of the National Planning Policy Framework.


(Voting: 6 in favour, 5 against, 2 abstentions)


Supporting documents: